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Comprehensive Epilepsy Care Center referral or discussion

Measure purpose: Ensure appropriate patients are referred to or informed of evaluation options at a comprehensive epilepsy center 

The numerator: patients with an order for referral to a comprehensive epilepsy care center, who had a discussion of evaluation at a comprehensive epilepsy care center, OR who received treatment at a comprehensive epilepsy care center during the measurement period. 

is divided by

the denominator: patient diagnosed with intractable epilepsy OR patients diagnosed with epilepsy who were prescribed three or more distinct anti-seizure medications in past 2 years.*

*See measure specifications for complete definitions.

Exclusions: None

Key Phrases

Examples of key phrases you could use to meet the measure include:

  • Referred to Comprehensive Epilepsy Care Center (CECC/CEC)
  • Pt currently seen at Level 3 epilepsy care center
  • Discussed and patient declines evaluation at CECC

Measure Calculation Example 

Dr. Bailey has 50 patients between January 1 and December 31 with a diagnosis of treatment resistant epilepsy. This is the denominator.

There are no exclusions for this measure. 

Seven patients are currently receiving treatment at a CECC. Three patients declined a referral to a CECC after a discussion on possible evaluation there. Five patients were referred to a CECC during the measurement period. These 15 patients (7+3+5) meet the numerator. 

Quality of patient care = 15/50. Dr. Bailey has a score of 30% for this measure.