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Disease-Modifying Pharmacotherapy Discussion With Patient With ALS

Measure purpose: Ensure disease-modifying pharmacotherapy (DMP) is routinely discussed with patients with ALS. 

The numerator: patients with whom the clinician discussed DMP (i.e., riluzole, edaravone, sodium phenylbutyrate/taurursodial, or other FDA-approved medication) at least once annually

is divided by

The denominator: patients diagnosed with ALS phenotypes characterized by appropriate ICD codes

There are no exclusions for this measure. 

Key Phrases

Examples of key phrases you could use to meet the measure include:

  • Patient DMP options reviewed
  • Patient DMP changed following discussion
  • Patient provided DMP counseling

Measure Calculation Example

Dr. Glovier has 76 patients between January 1 and December 31 that were diagnosed with ALS phenotypes characterized by appropriate ICD codes. This is the denominator.

There are no exclusions for this measure.

Dr. Glovier discusses disease-modifying pharmacotherapy with 38 patients. This is the numerator.

Quality of patient care = 38/76. Dr. Glovier has a score of 50% for this measure.