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Education provided to care partners of patients with mild cognitive impairment

767_equation.pngMeasure Purpose: Ensure caregivers of patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) were provided education.

The numerator: care partner(s) of patients with MCI who were provided* with education on 1. MCI diagnosis, 2. cognitive prognosis, 3. warning signs of disease progression to dementia, and 4. treatment plan options at least once in the measurement period

is divided by

The denominator: all patients with MCI.

Exclusions are removed from the denominator:

  • Patient declines to identify a care partner
  • Care partner cannot be identified
  • Care partner declines any education


Key Phrases

Examples of key phrases you could use to meet the measure:

  • Care partner [OR spouse, informant, caregiver] educated on diagnosis, prognosis, warning signs, and treatment plan options
  • Referral to nurse educator [case manager, social work, health education counselor, or  care consultation]
  • Patient declines to identify a care partner


Measure Calculation Example

Dr. Reddy has 100 patients between January 1 and December 31 with a diagnosis of MCI. This is the denominator. 

Dr. Reddy provides education on MCI diagnosis, cognitive prognosis, warning signs of disease progression, and treatment options to 31 care partners. Thirty-one is the numerator.

Seven patients do not have an identified caregiver and decline to identify one. These 7 patients are removed from the denominator as they meet exclusions.

Quality of patient care = 31/(100-7). Dr. Reddy has a score of 39.8% for this measure.