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EMG Utilization for Patients with Isolated Lower Back Pain

Quality equation

Measure Purpose: Reduce the number of patients with lower back pain who had electromyography (EMG) for diagnosis.

NOTE: This is an inverse measure. A lower score means you're providing higher quality care. 

The numerator: Patients who had an EMG for diagnosis of isolated lower back pain

is divided by

The denominator: Patients 18 and older diagnosed with isolated lower back pain

Exclusions are removed from the denominator:

  • Patients who have radicular symptoms documented
  • Diagnosed with malignant neoplasm of spinal cord
  • Diagnosed with cauda equina syndrome
  • Diagnosed with sciatica
  • EMG performed by another provider
  • EMG clinically indicated to rule out another comorbidity
  • EMG ordered by another provider

Key Phrases

Examples of key phrases you could use to meet the measure include:

  • EMG clinically indicated
  • EMG needed to rule out…
  • Radiculopathy noted
  • Pain that radiates down the leg reported 

Measure Calculation Example

Dr. Ige has 100 patients diagnosed with isolated lower back pain between January 1 and December 31. Twelve patients were diagnosed with sciatica and two patients reported radicular symptoms. They meet exclusions and are removed from the initial population. (100-(12+2)=86. This is the denominator.

Of the 86 patients, 12 had an EMG for diagnosis of isolated lower back pain. The numerator is 12.

Quality of patient care = 12/(100-(12+2)). Dr. Ige has a score of 13.95% for this measure. A lower score indicates better care for this measure.