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Pharmacologic treatment of dementia

Measure Purpose: provide guideline-appropriate pharmacological treatment options

The numerator: patients or their caregivers with whom available guideline-appropriate pharmacological treatment options and nonpharmacological behavior and lifestyle modifications were discussed

is divided by

the denominator: patients with a diagnosis of a qualifying dementing disorder or disease. (See measure specifications for full list of qualifying diagnoses.)

There are no exclusions for this measure.


Key Phrases

Examples of key phrases you could use to meet the measure include:

  • Lifestyle modifications discussed
  • Behavior modifications discussed
  • Pharmacological treatment discussed


Measure Calculation Example

Dr. Lopez sees 100 patients with dementia between January 1 and December 31. This is the denominator. There are no exclusions.

Dr. Lopez discusses behavioral and lifestyle modifications with 33 patients and prescribed guideline-appropriate medication for an additional 44 patients. Seventy-seven (33+44) is the numerator.

Quality of patient care = 77/100. Dr. Lopez has a score of 77% for this measure.