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Quality of life assessment for patients with epilepsy

Measure Purpose: Assess patient quality of life regularly.

The numerator: patients with age-appropriate condition-specific quality of life assessed at least once in the measurement period

is divided by

the denominator: patients aged 4 years and older diagnosed with epilepsy. 

Exclusions are allowed for:

  • Patients who are unable or decline to complete the instrument and for these patients, a caregiver is not present to provide proxy report.


Key Phrases

Examples of key phrases you could use to meet the measure include:

  • QOLIE-10 (followed by numerical score)
  • QOLIE-1AD-48 (followed by numerical score)
  • PIES (followed by numerical score)
  • QOLCE-55 (followed by numerical score)
  • GASE (followed by numerical score)
  • CHQ (followed by numerical score)
  • PedsQL Epilepsy Module (followed by numerical score)
  • ESI-55 (followed by numerical score)

Measure Calculation Example

Dr. Ige sees 100 patients between January 1 and December 31 diagnosed with epilepsy over the age of 4. This is the denominator.

Of the 100 remaining patients, three refused to complete a quality of life assessment and a proxy was unavailable to provide this information. These patients are excluded.

Of the remaining 97 patients, 25 had documentation of a quality of life assessment during the measurement period.  This is the numerator.

Quality of patient care = 25/(100-3). Dr. Ige has a score of 25.7% for this measure.

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