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Quality of life outcome for patients with epilepsy

Measure Purpose: Improve quality of life outcomes for patients with epilepsy

The numerator: Patients whose most recent QOLIE-10-P score is maintained or improved from the prior QOLIE-10-P score^ obtained in the measurement period.

^For patients who have more than two QOLIE-10-P scores in a calendar year, the last score recorded in the calendar year will be compared to the first score recorded in the calendar year.

The denominator: Patients aged 18 years and older diagnosed with epilepsy who had two office visits during the two-year measurement period which occurred at least 4 weeks apart.

Exclusions: None

Key Phrases

Examples of key phrases you could use to meet the measure:

  • QOLIE-10 score is (numerical score between 0 to 6)
  • QOLIE = (numerical score between 0 to 6)
  • QOL score (numerical score between 0 to 6)
  • QOLIE-10 score maintained
  • QOLIE-10 score improved


Measure Calculation Example

Dr. Diaz had 1,000 patients over the age of 18 year old who had two office visits during the two-year measurement period from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2019. The denominator for the measure is 1,000. There are no exclusions.

Of the 1,000 patients, 740 patients had two QOLIE-10-P scores recorded during the measurement period. Of the 740 patients, 362 had scores that were maintained or improved from the first score recorded in the measurement period. The numerator for the measure is 362.

Quality of care = 362/1000. Dr. Diaz has a score of 36.2% for this measure.

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