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Quality of life for patients with neurotology disorders

Measure Purpose: Improve quality of life for patients with neurotology disorders

The numerator: Patients with age appropriate quality of life assessment* whose most recent scores were maintained or improved on the same age appropriate quality of life assessment administered twice during the measurement period

is divided by

The denominator: patients aged 18 years and older with neurotology specific disorder*

Exclusions are removed from the denominator:

  • Patient unable or declines to complete screening tool

*See measurement specifications for complete details

Key Phrases

Examples of key phrases you could use to meet the measure include:

  • "PROMIS-29 results (followed by numerical score)"
  • "Global Health 10 results (followed by numerical score)"
  • "VSS (or Vertigo Symptom Scale or VSS-SF) results  (followed by numerical score)"
  • "VHQ (or Vertigo Handicap Questionnaire) results  (followed by numerical score)"
  • "ABC Score (followed by numerical score"
  • "Patient unable to complete quality of life assessment"
  • "Patient declines/refuses to complete quality of life assessment"

Measure Calculation Example

Dr. Reddy has 100 patients between January 1 and December 31 that were diagnosed with pa neurotology condition. This is the denominator.

Two patients refused or were unable to complete quality of life assessment tools.  These two patients are removed from the denominator as exclusions.

Of the 98 remaining patients, 76 had quality of life scores collected twice that reflected their quality of life was maintained or improved during the year.  This is the numerator.

Quality of patient care =76/(100-2). Dr. Reddy has a score of 77.6% for this measure.