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Neuroscience is Rewarding College Internship

The application period is closed.


The American Academy of Neurology is offering 20 Neuroscience is Rewarding College Internships to institutions who are interested in hosting a college student interested in a career in neurology or the neurosciences for internship. The AAN will provide the host institution with $1250 for the intern and $250 for education and supply costs to host the intern ($1,500 total). Strong applications will impact the community's understanding of neuroscience and neurology.

The goals of this internship are as follows: 

  • To provide college students with experiences in neuroscience and exposure to patient care in neurology
  • To create an end-product that promotes interest in neuroscience and neurology in the community
  • To provide faculty hosts with the opportunity to mentor a college student


  • Applicant/Host: AAN member, MDs, DOs, PhDs, and APPs are welcome to apply. Preference is given to Junior Faculty or hosting institution who proposes to have a college intern 
  • Intern: the college student who will be completing the proposed internship


  • Application deadline: May 10, 2024 
  • Notification of successful applications: No later than May 31, 2024
  • Internships take place between June 3, 2024 - August 30, 2024, and interns must be paid in full by August 30, 2024


  • The Applicant will be an AAN member such as an MD, DO, PhD, APP, or research scientist with a willing institution or practice setting to host an intern. Preference given to Junior Faculty with a goal to mentor a college student. 
  • The Intern will be an undergraduate college student who will be completing the proposed internship, preferably a student majoring in neuroscience or pre-med (or related); or a student in a BS/BA-to-MD track. The AAN member will choose the intern candidate. 
  • Required Application Materials to be provided by the AAN member/Applicant:
    • The statement should be no more than two pages and include the following:  
      • Description of your practice setting (open to the following settings: academic, small group, private practice, and lab with clinical affiliation). 
      • Description of how the internship will engage the intern clinically, i.e., direct exposure to patient care, chart review, patient surveys, and/or shadowing. 
      • Description of internship's neuroscience component, i.e., literature search relevant to the end-product, collecting data or data mining, helping with patient recruitment for clinical trial, and/or helping in the lab. 
      • Description of the proposed end-product to be produced by the intern, i.e., engaging other college students, presenting in a class, putting together patient education, making a poster, contributing toward a grant application, etc. 
      • Acknowledgment of the following requirements:  
        • Statement that the intern will be paid a minimum of $1,250 for their work by August 30, 2024  
        • Statement that the AAN member will provide the AAN a letter of enrollment, good standing, or an academic transcript from the intern's college prior to the start date of the internship 
        • Statement verifying that an end-product will be produced by the intern (engagement with other college students, presenting in a class, putting together patient education materials, making a poster, contributing toward a grant application, etc.) 
        • Statement that at the end of the internship, the AAN member will complete an evaluation (provided by AAN), and the intern will write and provide a one-page summary and reflection of the experience (outline provided by AAN) 
        • Statement that the intern will complete a brief anonymous survey prior to or during the internship, and another anonymous survey at the end of the internship (surveys provided by AAN)  
      • Please Note: Tasks such as lab housekeeping or clinical scribing are acceptable tasks in the overall internship. “Everyday” lab or clinic work does not have to be detailed in your proposal. It is understood that this will be an aspect of most undergraduate internships. Housekeeping and other menial tasks cannot be applied toward a clinical or neuroscience component of the internship.  
      • Budget: One page maximum.  

Describe how the $250 intended for education costs will be used (office supplies, software purchase, training costs, cost toward intern's end project, associated costs to intern such as parking/travel reimbursement, etc.) If the full $250 budget will not be used, please provide a statement verifying the unused budget will pass to the intern’s stipend.


For more information or questions, please contact Ashley Mundt, Trainee Education Program Manager, at amundt@aan.com.