Chief Residents

residents & Fellows

Discover peer-assembled AAN and non-AAN resources, information, and tools specific to Chief Residents.


  • Prepare for the certification exam with the AAN's RITE® (Residency In-service Training Examination). View upcoming exam dates, register, and view exam features. The RITE allows you to gauge your knowledge of neurology and neuroscience, while identifying areas for potential growth.
  • ABPN Certification Exam - Neurology and Neurology with Special Qualification in Child Neurology Exams. View deadlines, fees, and content for initial certification with either of these exams.

Research, Scholarship, and Leadership Programs

Professional Development 


Conflict Management

Career Development

Advice From Former Chief Residents

Learning From Common Chief Resident Mistakes

Sample email that addresses some important considerations for graduating residents that may not otherwise addressed by the program.

Scheduling Resources

The AAN does not endorse any of the scheduling programs listed below.


Be part of the conversation. Stay informed and participate.

  • Chief Residents - Fill out this form or contact Lucy Persaud to be invited into the Chief Resident Synapse Section group
  • Consortium of Neurology Residents and Fellows (CNRF)

"More than anything else, being a chief resident is a privilege. 

"It is a responsibility to advocate on behalf of residents and to impact the training program in a positive and meaningful way. Chief residents are in a unique situation where we can effectuate a change through both our interaction with higher level administration and through the trust we've obtained from residents.

"Although it is a sacrifice of our time and energy, it also is a wonderful opportunity to make a difference. The best part about being a chief resident is being able to effectuate a change in the program to positively impact both resident well-being and neurology education. It really is a unique opportunity to give back to the field at such an early stage in our careers.  

"The best advice I can give to anyone considering being a chief residents is that I think it is important to start by being the best resident you can be. Once you focus on that, it will establish the foundation for your future, even beyond being chief resident."